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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Abuse Is No Ruse

Abuse Is No Ruse
Abuse is exactly what it sounds like. It’s harming or being harmed physically, sexually, or emotionally. There’s even Relationship Abuse. Abuse can happen to anyone, and anyone can be an abuser,  but whether someone is the abuser or being abused, it’s all very bad. It’s sickening even.
The most recognised abuse would probably be child abuse, where children are abused, by their parents or guardians. Very bad.
People have reasons, inexcusable, bad reasons, to abuse children, although some mental illnesses can be a factor for an abuser.
But for those who do not suffer any mental illness, their reasons for abuse are not okay.
Whether they think the abusee is annoying, or worthless, or the abuser just plain doesn’t care for them, whatever the reason, abuse is wrong. No matter what kind it is.
Physical abuse is where abuse is happening on the body. For example, hitting, punching, slapping, kicking, etc.
Sexual abuse is where someone is sexually abusing, or being sexually abused. For example, being touched in otherwise private areas on the body.
Emotional abuse is mainly directed at someone's view on themselves. Such as, an abuser may call the abusee “terrible, worthless, unloved, or stupid.” Making the abusee believe themselves less than human, in a sense.
Relationship abuse is a bit different. This kind of abuse can include all of the types of abuse, but is basically where someone in a relationship is abusing the other person in a relationship.
All of this is bad, wrong, and downright inhumane.
Even if the abuser thinks the abusee deserves being abused that does not make it okay, because even someone is a horrible person, they shouldn’t be abused.
Although, the really bad thing about abuse, besides just being a thing, is that you don’t see it a lot in the news, or hear about it all that much. It probably happens a lot, when you think about it, although there are some stories about abuse here and there, yet is the public getting all of it? Every story? Every detail on a story published?
Maybe and maybe not.
    Now, abusers with a mental illness are a different deal. Someone with a mental illness may not realize that they’re abusing, or don’t recognise it as abuse, and people should do things to help. There are things people do to help mentally ill people, yes, but specifically for abusers with mental illnesses. People could possibly develop ways to help those with mental illnesses recognise what they’re doing.
    Of course, it may not work for everyone, but for those who it will work for should definitely be helped.

    Abuse is altogether wrong, evil, and just plain bad. It shouldn’t be a thing, but it is, yet with all the people in the world, how many are making an effort to stop it? A few, but definitely not as much people who could.

Abuse Is No Ruse.
Don’t Stand By
And Make People Lose
Their Lives
To Knives
Save The Souls From Those Who Have No Soul

Friday, May 19, 2017

Kids, Thank Your School Staff

Kids, Thank Your School Staff
When I say school staff, I don’t just mean the the teachers. I’m talking about (including the teachers) the lunch staff, those who work in the main office, the janitors, and even the student services, if your school has student services, and even the bus drivers I would assume every school district has.
    They do so much for us.
    Now, kids, quiet your grumbling, and cease complaining.
    Do you know who calls the shots for snow days? If you live in an area that receives snow? The superintendent, and how does the superintendent decide? They call up the head of the bus department, sometimes around 2 or 3 in the morning, and converse about whether or not it’s okay for the buses to drive in the snow. When there’s a snow day, and everyone stays home, you’re real happy right? (If you get snow days of course) Well, you’re also safe.
The janitors clean everyday, making sure the students are working in a clean environment, decreasing the chances of illness in the school.
The lunch staff feeds you. They make sure they have enough food to feed every student. Now sometimes, a student may not get what they wanted for lunch, and that will happen, but most of the time, a student will get what they desire for food.
Student services, which is the nurse, sociology worker, etc, are exactly what they say they are, and they do their best to make your school year bearable, whether it’d be the nurse giving you medicine, or just having someone to talk to about your problems, if you indeed have some. That’s their job.
Teachers do much.
They come to school everyday, even when they know there are students they really don’t want to deal with, or they woke up late and are very, very tired or sleepy because they couldn’t grab a cup of coffee.
I don’t know what teachers get paid, but it’s not enough. When projects are handed out, some students grumble about doing it, but just think of the teacher who has to grade all of those projects. Huge time consumer, depending on the project,and grade level the students are in, but it’s still something the teacher has to do.

Thank your school staff.
When all's said and done, you’ll be thankful for that tough assignment in 9th grade, or that long and boring lesson in 6th grade.
You’ll be thankful for having a clean space to work in, and you’ll be thankful for looking forward to that much anticipated lunch break.
Say Thank You

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


What is equality? Equality is where all is equal. Most notably equality within people, within the world.  
Equality today is kind of teetering on a balance. Many say “Of course we’re all equal! This is a changed time.” Or something along those lines.
Yet, looking at the world, and the stuff happening everyday, it’s kind of hard to believe we all really believe in equality, and of course not all people believe in it anyway, but most of the world probably believes in equality, or at least thinks it does.

Now, it’s very clear that we should all be treated equally, but that doesn’t happen today, at least not for everyone.
Why is that?
Well, some reasons are belief or lack of belief, heritage, race, sex/gender, sexuality, even mental illnesses, and possibly physical disabilities. There is so much for people to be uncomfortable with, and even hate, that people attack each other for being this-or-that and that-and-this. A lot of this happens on the internet, where anonymity is a big thing, where people can hide behind a screen.
Now touching on the hidden identity thing and the internet, much lack of respect is prominent, and respect is a big thing that ties in with equality, in my opinion.
Because no matter a person's race, gender, sexuality, heritage, mental and physical abilities, job, title, or age, we should all treat each other with respect.

Sure, there are a lot of bad people that no one would think deserves any respect, but there are also good people, who most people would believe deserve much respect. That isn’t right. Good or bad, everyone should be respected. Of course, some may not always agree with someone, but they can still be respectful, and treated the same, treated how they would like to be treated in a sense.
For example, someone may believe in a something that another does not, but while they disagree with each others beliefs, or lack of belief, they still respect one another. They respect each other by not getting into heated arguments, but rather they talk about their beliefs, in civil and calm moods when both feel up to talk.
This is not the case for everyone, yet it would be a welcome change.

Other reasons for people not treating others with equality is stereotypes, and ideas and images of a certain group of people, or one person in particular that eventually grows into a stereotype, such as, for example, Muslims. With ISIS on the horizon, society around the world kind of developed an idea that all Muslims were terrorists, when this is simply not true. Muslims who fled their country receive discrimination, just because of an idea about Muslims, an untrue idea. Most immigrant and refugee Muslims are most likely just people trying to escape their country, to look for a better life. Of course there will always be thorns on the bush, and it gets hard to pick out the thorns sometimes, but if people began seeing everyone else as their own individual, not part of a mass of sameness, equality could fully bloom.

Now, I’m not saying every immigrant and refugee should be welcome without pause into other countries, but people could make an effort to break those stereotypes and maybe even develop personal relationships with people before, for example, accepting them into a country.
That would become a long process, but the end product could be so amazing,and it would, yet again, push the idea of equality.

Everyone Is Their Own Person.
Break Stereotypes.
Crush Inequality.
See People For Themselves, Not What Society Makes Them Out To Be.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Suicide Shouldn't Slide

Suicide Shouldn’t Slide
    Suicide is a very deep and troubling topic, and if you feel at all uncomfortable with this topic, please feel free to leave, but for those of you staying, I apologise for any unkempt feelings.
    Suicide. Definition: To kill oneself.
    There are many people who think about suicide, and several who do commit suicide. Thinking about doing it, and actually committing it are two different things, but both are terrible.
    There can be many factors that lead someone to suicide, such as depression, family problems, a general negative outlook on life, and much, much more.
    It takes much strength to turn away from the call of suicide, I know from personal experience.
    Suicide is a horrible, evil thing. Suicide needs to be prevented, it needs to be stopped.
    If any of you have lost a loved one, friend or family, to suicide, I encourage you to take what I’ll say later in this blog to consideration.

    Does anyone really know what goes on inside a person's head while they’re considering suicide? I’m sure many empathize and sympathize, but do they truly know, 100%? Probably not, since no one on Earth can read minds.
    Does anyone recognise signs, such as a possible increase in sadness, quietness, and a general lack of communication? Several probably do.
    More people need to be brought attention to these kinds of things.
    Why do people commit suicide? Let’s dwell on that for a second.
    Many people considering suicide may think that’s it’s the only way out of a problem, or maybe even a way to gain attention in some cases, and life in general could be someone’s reason for committing suicide.
    For whatever reason, it’s all terrible.


    Other factors to commit suicide, especially for teenagers, is bullying, troubles at the home, and a “solution” to a problem they may have.

    Okay, now for some tidbits of information, the highest suicide rate was between adults ages 45-64. This info is from 2015. This may be surprising to some, but if you think about it, adults are put under a lot of stress. Kids are too, but not nearly as much. Of course suicide at any age is not good.
    What I’m trying to get here at is that suicide in general is just plain and simply, bad. Evil. If it was an entity, it would be a writhing mass of black evil, and terror, leeching onto unsuspecting victims.


You never really notice until they’re gone.
Do people really notice? Do people make an effort to stop it until it’s too late? Yes, people do, but not everyone. Most likely because they didn’t know, didn’t care, or thought it was okay with whatever person who was considering suicide, only to do just that.

More people need to reach out to people considering suicide. More people should learn to see signs of possible depression, and even anxiety. More people need to stop those evil suicide thoughts in their tracks, whether it’d be for themselves, or another person.
People considering suicide should also not be afraid to tell someone about it. They should reason with themselves, and build a door with a sturdy lock on suicide thoughts, and throw away the key.
More people need to be aware of how so many things can influence one thought in a person.
Those thinking of suicide must also be aware of their own thoughts, and when to draw the line, and say “No, I will not go down this dark and twisty path.”

Suicide shouldn’t slide, because many have already died, because they lied, to hide, and when they cried, they did it alone.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Minors Live In This Country (USA) As Well

Minors Live In This Country As Well

Article XV(15); Section 1- The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
    This amendment was ratified by the states in 1870, so that women, non wealthy people, and people of color could vote, of course, here is the 26th amendment.
    Article XXVI(26); Section 1- The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account to age.
    These two amendments make it so that any U.S citizen who is 18 or older can vote, no matter wealth, position, race, or gender. Back then, in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s, this was a pretty big thing, allowing the Youths of that time to vote. Nowadays, teenagers are considered today’s youths, with the exception of pre-teens.
Yet now stands the question.
Should minors, more specifically teenagers, be allowed to vote?
Now I’m going to break the rules of an essay to make this easier for me, so let’s do this.
How many of you think that teenagers are irresponsible, stupid, selfish and self-centered brats? Come on, don’t be shy.
Yes, there are many minors like this, but there’s absolutely no way the entire minor population is like this, and adults are not perfect either.
I’m sure a majority of you at least know, maybe know of one or two irresponsible adults, and who do kids look up to? Adults, and if adults are irresponsible, how do you think the children closest to them will grow up behaving?
There are at least over 74.2 million minors in the U.S, and worldwide, children only make up about 24% of the population. These numbers are from 2011. It’s 2017 now, how has the population of minors changed?
In the U.S, I believe personally, that more minors, especially those in the 12-15 year old range, have begun developing their own opinions on things, their own, possibly influenced by a parent or guardian, but more or less their own, from their view on things.
I’m just going to throw this out there, but people are lazy. Obviously there are hard working people, but we all have those lazy moments, or lazy habits. I’m lazy myself when it comes to writing, believe it or not. Writing is my favorite thing to do, but I do my best to avoid it.
My point is though, often people, mostly minors, I believe, will just take the word of an adult, without actually doing any research, because they don’t want to take time out their oh so “busy” life.
I myself could have not taken the time to research, and look up facts for this speech slash essay thing, but I did, because it’s not much use to shoot in the dark.
I may be wrong, and correct me if I am, but perhaps adults, not all, but some, think minors are too uneducated, and would make poor decisions concerning voting.
Well, here’s just an idea, but what if, now it’s a real crazy idea, but what if people made time to educate minors on politics, and taught them how to handle and understand their opinions better?
I do ponder that some parents or guardians do try to teach their kids about the big bad world, namely politics, because politics are a very big thing in this world, especially today.
Recently, there was a very big election, possibly the biggest and most tense election that the U.S may ever have, but who knows?
There were four candidates as it drew to a close, but the two most supported candidates were Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton. As I am writing this, Donald Trump is now President-elect, very soon to be President, if not already.
I know some very passionate-about-their-opinion minors. If I asked them if they wished to have been apart of the recent votings, they would probably say yes, definitely. This is their country too, after all, they wish to be apart of it’s future. In fact, they may as well be its future, eventually the youth of today will be the elderly of tomorrow.
Even if the voting age of the U.S should never be lower than 18, it’s still good to teach minors ahead of time to when they are eighteen, so they know where their opinion stands and what to do with it.
In junior high, and high school there are History and Social Study classes, but they just recall the past, and what so-and-so did and what when-and-where happened. They often don’t directly teach about opinion, but they do teach about where some opinions and passions got people.
For instance, the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery, states rights, and the economical diversity of the nation's land. The nation was so split about these topics, that they fought, winner chooses the future of the nation. It ended with slavery becoming illegal. A lot of people were freed from slavery, but there was still discrimination. Only wealthy, white males were still able to vote in the early 1800’s of the U.S. That doesn’t seem fair, right? Well, women back then were considered unfit to do anything more than clean, cook, and give birth to babies.
People who didn’t own a lot of land, or a big house, for instance were considered poor, and therefore shouldn’t be able to vote, because logic, and people who weren’t white could also not vote. Discrimination still existed after slavery was abolished, because most white people still considered colored people to be below a regular human being.
Eventually, women fought back, as well as black people, and landed their right to vote, just like any other wealthy, white male.
Now that the history lesson is done….
Yes, this is where people’s passions, and opinions get them. Either disaster, or exactly what they want.
If your child, and if you don’t have one, imagine you do, suddenly showed an interest in how the President of the U.S was elected would you tell them about that process? But, would you also tell them all the other complicated, and more strenuous parts of the process, like first having an opinion or not on a candidate, and most likely receiving hate from the opposing side, depending on your opinion, and who you support?
I’m independent, which means I don’t fully support one person or side to the other, but I agree with some points, but I also disagree with other points a candidate, per say, might make. An even 50/50 for stuff, and I’m perfectly fine being independent, but not everyone else would agree.
This is where your child comes in. Say your child has grown up, and they support the opposite person or side that you’re on, which actually happened sometimes during the Civil War, but back to the topic, your child supports the side or person that you disagree with, or may even hate.
They’ve grown, and now they have their own opinion, but say they turn eighteen on the year of the next election, they’re still pretty new to the whole your-opinion-could-make-a-huge-difference thing. They may not know how to handle their own opinion, vote wise. They heard some things from so-and-so, but they also heard things from you, and then they decided they liked the other side best.
Their side ends up winning, but it turns out the new President is horrible, and it was a very bad thing that they are President. That was just an example, I meant nothing bad by it, but now your kid feels horrible because what they thought about the new President was all wrong, and they sort of helped the downfall of the U.S, because their source was unreliable, and a certain parent only talked about their side while their child was growing up, always dissing the other side, only talking about the bad, leading their child to curiosity, to the unreliable source, when their parent could have very well also discussed full on the other side or person.
It’s okay to talk about your opinion, but you should always take the other person or side into account, let your child decide their opinion, knowing full well that they know the good and bad of all the sides or people.
Minors should grow up, confident in their opinions, knowing that their thoughts aren’t misplaced. Which is why I want to encourage parents, guardians, teachers, and overall adults to teach today’s youth about the importance of their opinions.
I determine that most minors in America grow up thinking their opinion doesn’t matter, won’t matter, until they turn 18 at least.
That’s not what they should grow up thinking. Even if it seems like their opinions don’t matter, to them or to others, it does, because when they can make a difference, shouldn’t they be ready?
It’s their country as well.
Shouldn’t they be apart of it?
They go to school, getting educated in English, Math, Science, Physical Education, History, and even Art, Music, and so, so much more, but there’s one class that never seems to pop up. A class where they can learn about the outside world today. Of course, that’s what the news is for, but do you honestly believe that a youth today would willingly read a newspaper, or even an article online? Especially since there’s so much more “important” things they could do with their time? Such as watching youtube videos, or posting on a social media site.
Right now, the world is so riddled with electronics and drama, and false news, such as clickbait.
Clickbait can sometimes lead to a misunderstanding, or misinterpretation, leading to a misplaced opinion, based on lies, and who would be more inclined to fall for clickbait? Most likely young children who still haven’t quite grasped the concept of right or wrong, bad or good.
Adults and the internet are possibly the biggest areas where a youth can be influenced.
Now jumping back to my absolutely bonkers suggestion of teaching minors how to handle and feel confident in their opinions. I conclude that if minors could be taught in a safe and reliable environment with a safe and reliable person, mainly somebody  experienced and open-minded about opinions, the youth population could become ready for adulthood.
Such as a weekend study group, or something. Maybe a bunch of parents and a few teachers could set up a time for minors, of all ages who are able, to have the opportunity to learn about politics, learn how systems work, learn how to handle their opinion. Learn where to find reliable sources and maybe even how to handle someone with an opposing view, perhaps, if they feel the need to argue or fight.
That’s all I have to say, but thank you, for listening. Have a lovely rest of your day or night.