Suicide Shouldn’t Slide
Suicide is a very deep and troubling topic, and if you feel at all uncomfortable with this topic, please feel free to leave, but for those of you staying, I apologise for any unkempt feelings.
Suicide. Definition: To kill oneself.
There are many people who think about suicide, and several who do commit suicide. Thinking about doing it, and actually committing it are two different things, but both are terrible.
There can be many factors that lead someone to suicide, such as depression, family problems, a general negative outlook on life, and much, much more.
It takes much strength to turn away from the call of suicide, I know from personal experience.
Suicide is a horrible, evil thing. Suicide needs to be prevented, it needs to be stopped.
If any of you have lost a loved one, friend or family, to suicide, I encourage you to take what I’ll say later in this blog to consideration.
Does anyone really know what goes on inside a person's head while they’re considering suicide? I’m sure many empathize and sympathize, but do they truly know, 100%? Probably not, since no one on Earth can read minds.
Does anyone recognise signs, such as a possible increase in sadness, quietness, and a general lack of communication? Several probably do.
More people need to be brought attention to these kinds of things.
Why do people commit suicide? Let’s dwell on that for a second.
Many people considering suicide may think that’s it’s the only way out of a problem, or maybe even a way to gain attention in some cases, and life in general could be someone’s reason for committing suicide.
For whatever reason, it’s all terrible.
Other factors to commit suicide, especially for teenagers, is bullying, troubles at the home, and a “solution” to a problem they may have.
Okay, now for some tidbits of information, the highest suicide rate was between adults ages 45-64. This info is from 2015. This may be surprising to some, but if you think about it, adults are put under a lot of stress. Kids are too, but not nearly as much. Of course suicide at any age is not good.
What I’m trying to get here at is that suicide in general is just plain and simply, bad. Evil. If it was an entity, it would be a writhing mass of black evil, and terror, leeching onto unsuspecting victims.
You never really notice until they’re gone.
Do people really notice? Do people make an effort to stop it until it’s too late? Yes, people do, but not everyone. Most likely because they didn’t know, didn’t care, or thought it was okay with whatever person who was considering suicide, only to do just that.
More people need to reach out to people considering suicide. More people should learn to see signs of possible depression, and even anxiety. More people need to stop those evil suicide thoughts in their tracks, whether it’d be for themselves, or another person.
People considering suicide should also not be afraid to tell someone about it. They should reason with themselves, and build a door with a sturdy lock on suicide thoughts, and throw away the key.
More people need to be aware of how so many things can influence one thought in a person.
Those thinking of suicide must also be aware of their own thoughts, and when to draw the line, and say “No, I will not go down this dark and twisty path.”
Suicide shouldn’t slide, because many have already died, because they lied, to hide, and when they cried, they did it alone.
I love how much you think through things, analyzing what is good and bad, healthy and not. That is really good. The sometimes unfortunate thing about mental illness (which leads to many suicides) is the inability to view these thoughts as bad or wrong. Which is why your statements around seeing the signs of depression and anxiety are spot on. And yet, often times those things are masked to the public and a battle fought in private. Reaching out when bad thoughts make you feel crazy is super important. This is such a sad and true point...there really are no winners in suicide.