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Thursday, July 27, 2017


Respect. What is respect? Well, the dictionary says that respect is a deep admiration for someone's abilities, qualities, or achievements, but it can also mean just being kind to someone even if they have opposing viewpoints, beliefs, ideals, morals, etc.
Respect should be a quality in everyone, or everyone should at least try to respect each other. Some people may find it difficult to respect someone they may have been raised to hate, or found themselves hating, or at least disliking, whether it’s a group of people, or a single person. Respect could help so many fights, and arguments be avoided. Maybe it could even keep wars from happening, but people are so different, war, and fights are unfortunately inevitable, but with one-on-one fights, respect can make all the difference.
Especially on the internet, or through social media, you may hear about all these fights between people going on, or you yourself have had a fight with someone online. I myself have fought people online, but I try my best to respect the others opinion or belief, while also showing them mine. That’s what most people could do, while also getting their point across.
People online may feel like they can say anything and not get in any trouble for it, or their confidence may rise because they’re not speaking face to face. In many cases, that is true, and that is bad if said person online is using their anonymity to tell people that what they think, or feel, or believe in is wrong and then even going as far as telling the person they’re speaking to that they are stupid for what they believe in, and sometimes even telling the other person to kill themselves.
That is not cool.
Nobody should be telling anyone to kill themselves for what they think, or do, or say. I get that some things people do are bad, and the people doing or saying bad things should be punished or reprimanded for that, but suicide and death should never be the answer to a problem.
Respect needs to make its way into the world.
So many battles can be avoided if people just respected that not everyone is like them. No matter if it’s because of someone’s race, gender, age, sexuality, belief, likes, dislikes, parents, job, housing situation, financial situation, etc.
Respect others, even if you can’t respect what they may believe in, dislike, like, etc. Respect everyone you meet. They are a person just like you, and if what the like, dislike, believe in, etc, makes them happy, and is keeping them from doing anything bad, like suicide, that does not give you the right to tell them to kill themselves.
Even if someone can’t respect what someone thinks, feels, or believes in, they should still respect them as a person. No matter what.

Respect everyone
For Everyone is a person
Just like you and me

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Devil's Got Nothing On You

The Devil’s Got Nothing On You
I assume that most, if not everyone knows who the Devil is, or is at least familiar with his name, or names. Even if some don’t believe in God, they may have heard of the Devil, and if someone believes in God, they should be very well aware of Satan.
Well, whatever someone believes or doesn’t believe, the Devil has nothing on them, and nothing on you. If you really think about it, the Devil has no power over you, only the ability to lie.
Satan is the King of Lies, but it’s up to you whether or not to believe those lies.
The Devil has been portrayed in many movies, books, comic books and so forth to have lots of power, but is that really true?
I think not. Satan was once an angel, and I don’t know the full extent of an angels power, but my assumption is that, unless God gives them the power, they can’t create or destroy, but I don’t know, that’s just my thought.
So since Satan was once an angel, he probably doesn’t have all the power some movies and books give him. Only the power to lie to us. So in a sense, he can destroy some things, within a person. Such as trust, or the ability to see right from wrong, at least temporarily, but he can only destroy things within us if we let him. Which is why we need to all seek the truth, so we can see the lies.
For some people that may be difficult, to find the truth, but the good ol’ Bible is a big book of truth, although some would disagree, and those who disagree may not believe that the Devil exists, but before those people can guard themselves against the Devil, they need to come to Christ, but that’s a whole other topic.
Yes, the truth may be hard to find, or accept for some people, but once someone finds the truth, they will be able to see any lie light up like a neon sign.
Of course, being humans, we may not always be truthful ourselves, but that is the Beast, feeding you the rotten things that may have led you to lie in the first place, which just loops back around to seeking the truth, so you can see the lies, in the world, in others, and even in yourself.
The Devil can only lie, he cannot move mountains, or create life, or forcefully make you or anyone else do anything. He will lie, and it is your choice whether to believe those lies or not.

Read the truth
So that you may see the lies
Share the truth

So that the King of Lies does not rule