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Friday, May 19, 2017

Kids, Thank Your School Staff

Kids, Thank Your School Staff
When I say school staff, I don’t just mean the the teachers. I’m talking about (including the teachers) the lunch staff, those who work in the main office, the janitors, and even the student services, if your school has student services, and even the bus drivers I would assume every school district has.
    They do so much for us.
    Now, kids, quiet your grumbling, and cease complaining.
    Do you know who calls the shots for snow days? If you live in an area that receives snow? The superintendent, and how does the superintendent decide? They call up the head of the bus department, sometimes around 2 or 3 in the morning, and converse about whether or not it’s okay for the buses to drive in the snow. When there’s a snow day, and everyone stays home, you’re real happy right? (If you get snow days of course) Well, you’re also safe.
The janitors clean everyday, making sure the students are working in a clean environment, decreasing the chances of illness in the school.
The lunch staff feeds you. They make sure they have enough food to feed every student. Now sometimes, a student may not get what they wanted for lunch, and that will happen, but most of the time, a student will get what they desire for food.
Student services, which is the nurse, sociology worker, etc, are exactly what they say they are, and they do their best to make your school year bearable, whether it’d be the nurse giving you medicine, or just having someone to talk to about your problems, if you indeed have some. That’s their job.
Teachers do much.
They come to school everyday, even when they know there are students they really don’t want to deal with, or they woke up late and are very, very tired or sleepy because they couldn’t grab a cup of coffee.
I don’t know what teachers get paid, but it’s not enough. When projects are handed out, some students grumble about doing it, but just think of the teacher who has to grade all of those projects. Huge time consumer, depending on the project,and grade level the students are in, but it’s still something the teacher has to do.

Thank your school staff.
When all's said and done, you’ll be thankful for that tough assignment in 9th grade, or that long and boring lesson in 6th grade.
You’ll be thankful for having a clean space to work in, and you’ll be thankful for looking forward to that much anticipated lunch break.
Say Thank You

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